Our mPulse sauna uses Chromotherapy to adjust your body vibrations to a frequency that results in health and harmony. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
The Origins of Chromotherapy
Ancient cultures developed medical systems based on energetic principles of the universe and the somatic cellular body.The Sanskrit principle of Ayurveda describes the wheels of life or Chakras as originating from subtle energy known as Prana.
This type of subtle energy can be modulated by electromagnetic field/visible light to stimulate the brain/nervous system, cellular tissues, and bodily organs. Visible light is emitted in the form of photons that are absorbed through the skin and the active receptors in the eyes.
Once absorbed, proteins or photo pigments are activated at specific wavelengths to produce chemical reactions in the body. These reactions can produce various therapeutic biochemical benefits depending on their wavelengths.
The Chakras
This remote corresponds with the functionality of the mPulse Sauna and corresponding colour frequencies for each chakra.
Crown Chakra / Top of the head
Balances 7th / crown chakra to connect mind-body with a higher power. This high energy state stimulates the pituitary gland to regulate serotonin and reduce depression and anxiety. Helps regulate sleep to improve energy and reduce effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Third-eye Chakra / Forehead
Balances 6th / third eye chakra located between the eyebrows. Helps improve focus, reduce brain fog, stimulate intuition through the pineal gland, clear sinus cavities, and improve the ability to understand wisdom and truth.
Throat Chakra / Neck
Balances 5th / throat chakra to improve verbal communication, articulation and understanding. Produces a cooling, calming effect in the body to counteract worry, reduce over-excitement, modulate hyperactivity, and calm various throat conditions.
Heart Chakra / Chest
Balances 4th chakra located at the heart center in and around the sternum. The body’s healing seat to reset circadian rhythms, relax muscles, detox organs, and stimulate tissue regeneration. Here is where love and forgiveness of self and others originates, and where the spiritual and physical body merge.
Solar Plexus Chakra / Stomach
Balances 3rd chakra located at the solar plexus mid-torso in and around the kidneys and liver. Center of personal power, will and self-esteem. Produces a cleansing effect to purify the blood and skin, increase neuromuscular tone, and improve nervous system function.
Sacral Chakra / Below Belly Button
Balances the 2nd chakra located in the lower abdomen. Regulates creativity via reproductive organs, creative thought, emotions and sexuality. Balancing the 2nd chakra can reduce inflammation, menstrual cramps, edema, prostate issues, and bladder/urinary dysfunction.
Root Chakra / End of Spine
Balances 1st chakra located at the base of the spine. Regulates skeletal and circulatory systems, helps relieve tension to improve energy efficiency. Can improve cellular metabolism. Helps regulate fear regarding family, finances/survival, and decreases feelings of anger. This grounding energy can return the mind/body to states of joy and happiness.